Contact us

Contact the Boaters’ Christian Fellowship

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You are very welcome to contact the Boaters’ Christian Fellowship to find out any further information. By using the form below, our Webmaster will receive your information by email and it may be forwarded to members of the committee, or any other appropriate person as necessary.

This form may be used to ask questions about membership, faith or anything waterways connected in general. We cannot guarantee to be able to answer your question – but we will always do our best. Please note that we cannot divulge any confidential information.

If you would like someone to attend a waterways related or appropriate church event, we will always try to find a member (or members) who would be interested. Please note, however, that many of our boaters plan their cruising early in the season, so it may not be easy to find someone at short notice.

For boaters that need help, it may be better to contact either the Waterways Chaplains or Canal Ministries teams directly. They are dedicated to help boaters in distress and/or difficulty and will do what they can to help.

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